نماذج اسئلة Bio 440

Q1: Please fill the blanks ( 10 grades):

1-     Fibers are the basic component of wood products, such as ------------ One of the earliest records for making sheets of paper dates back at least 5500 years ago to the ancient Egyptians who pressed together thin strips of papyrus stems (------------------ -----------------) to write on. Egyptian papyrus belongs to the sedge family (Cyperaceae).

2-     Rice paper is usually used for --------------

3-     Rice paper plant (Tetrapanax papyriferus) is originally from ----------------

4-     Fibers are --------------- cells with -------------- ends and very thick, heavily lignified --------------------

5-     The papers made by ancient Egyptian and the Asian people were made from the pith of the plant, while the papers made by the Mexican were made from the ---------------.

6-     Grain legumes are cultivated for their ---------------, while ------------- legumes are farmed commercially for their blooms or flowers.

7-     There are many ways to classify spices, it could be by the --------------- used or how we use them.

8-     An example of spices from

  1. The  flowers -------------------------------------
  2. The root -----------------------------------
  3. The bark -----------------------------------

9-     In addition to papers, fibers are also used to produce -------------- and -----------

10- The bacteria -----------------, have the ability to take nitrogen gas (N2) out of the air and convert it to a form of nitrogen that is usable to the host plant ( NO3- or NH3 ). This process is called ---------------- ---------------





Q2: Please indicate whether the statement in right or wrong (5 grades):

1-     Rice paper, another ancient paper from the Orient, was made originally from the pith of the rice paper plant (Oryza sativa).

2-     The Fabaceae comprise three subfamilies:  Mimosoideae, Caesalpinioideae and Faboideae.

3-     Papers usually come from the bast fibers.

4-     Turmeric, Curcuma longa, is only a spice.

5-     Gossypium hirsutum is the most common plant to make paper.

6-     Pisum sativum is a spice from the bark.

7-     Fafa beans or vicia faba is used only in the Middle East.

8-     Cinnamomum cassia is the same as the cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) that we used as a spice in everyday life.

9-     There are many varieties of garden pea (Pisum sativum).

10- The dry weight of the pea is about one-quarter protein and one-quarter sugar.

Q3: Choose the right answer (5 grades):

1- In monocot plants we can find long strands of fibers in:

a- the leaves     b- the stem       c- the fibrous roots       d- the fruit

2- Cinnamomum cassia is known also as:

a- Japanese cassia        b- Orient cassia            c- Chinese cassia          d- Indian cassia           

3- Peas are high in:

a- fibers            b- protein         c- vitamins and minerals            d- all the previous

4- Turmeric is one of the main ingredients of:

a- food             b- curry                        c- medicines                 d- rice

5- Cotton "fibers" are made from ------------------------- that grow out                     from the surface of the seeds immediately after fertilization:

a- multi cellular hairs     b- double hairs            c- unicellular hairs        d- surface hairs

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12/18/2011 11:14:27 AM